
Professor Stuart Mackenzie, FRSC

Stuart is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford and Tutorial Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford.

Born and brought up in County Durham, Stuart studied Physics and Chemistry in Leeds (1989-92) before a DPhil in physical chemistry in Oxford with Prof Tim Softley (1992-96). 

He held a NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Boulder Colorado with Prof David Nesbitt before returning to Oxford under Ramsay Memorial and Drapers' Company Fellowships.

Stuart held academic posts at the Universities of Warwick and Cambridge and finally returned to Oxford in 2008 and was promoted to full Professor in 2014. He was Head of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 2015-2020.

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2015-2020 Head of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Oxford

2019- MPLS Divisional Board

2011-2015 Director of Graduate Studies, PTCL

2020- Chair, NWO International Scientific Advisory Committee, HFML / FELIX, Radboud University, Netherlands

2010 - Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC

2007- Editorial Board, Molecular Physics

2001- Chartered Chemist, CChem (RSC) and Chartered Physicist, CPhys (IoP)

2005-2010 EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship

2008- APTF in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Oxford.

2006-2008 University of Cambridge

2000-2006 University of Warwick


Visiting Fellowships: Stanford (2004); Freiburg (2015); JILA Boulder (2020)


Magdalen College

Fellow in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

2012-2020 College Governor and Vice-Chair, Magdalen College School

Committees: Development and Alumni Relations; Bursarial; Longwall Library Building Project; Committee; Libraries and Archives



1997-1999 Ramsay Memorial Fellowship, Oxford

1997-1999 Drapers' Company Research Fellowship,St Anne's College, Oxford

1996-1997 NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship, JILA, Boulder USA, with Professor David Nesbitt

1992-1996 DPhil in Chemical Physics, University of Oxford (Magdalen College) with Professor Tim Softley

1989-1992 University of Leeds, BSc Physics and Chemistry (Class I)

Schools: Shotton Hall Comprehensive School, Peterlee, Co. Durham; Peterlee College

EPSRC (see here for more details) 

EP/T021675/1 New Directions in Molecular Scattering (£5.8M Co-I, jt with Heriot-Watt)

EP/L005913/1 Chemical Applications of Velocity Map Imaging (£4.6M Co-I, jt with Bristol)

EP/C0102070 Development of centre of Excellence for the Study of Pure Metal Clusters (£400k, PI)

EP/C010202X Advanced Reserach Fellowship (£240k, PI)

EP/C00907X Integration of evanescent wave cavity ringdown spectroscopy.... (£490k, PI)

EP/C007786 Adventurous Chemistry (£258k, Co-I, part of Warwick bid)

GR/S03966 Reactivity Studies of Naked Transition Metal Clusters (£380k, PI)

GR/R36367 Partial photodissociation dynamics of weakly-bound complexes (£65k PI)


US Agencies

DARPA Quantum Effects in Magnetoreception ($4.9M, Co-I with Peter Hore and Chris Timmel) 

US-AFOSR Cryptochrome-Based Magnetic Sensing ($4.1, Co-I with Peter Hore and Chris Timmel)

US-ONRG Cryptochrome-Based Magnetic Sensors ($140k, Co- I with Profs Hore, Timmel and Benesch)



Royal Society EMF Biological Trust (2 grants, £500k, Co-I)

Royal Society Newton International Fellowship (£99k)

Christiane Timmel (Oxford)

Peter Hore (Oxford)

Mark Brouard (Oxford)

Claire Vallance (Oxford)

Henrik Mouritsen (Oldenburg, Germany)

Stefan Weber (Freiburg, Germany)

Andre Fielicke, Fritz-Haber Institute (Berlin, Germany)

Otto Dopfer, Technische Universitaet (Berlin, Germany)

Ken McKendrick, Matt Costen, Stuart Greaves, Martin Paterson (Heriot-Watt)

Martin Beyer (Innsbruck, Austria)


Magdalen College, Oxford

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